CWA Local 1081
60 Park Place, Suite 501
Newark, NJ, 07102
Office (973) 623-1081
Fax: (732) 988-1081

Helping People to Help Themselves!

CWA 2016 Meetings
Donated Leave Requests
Labor's View

NEW! Visit Labor's View, now available for live streaming on YouTube.

September 2016: Beverly Brown Ruggia

The Real Price of War

Click image or link above to view a 10 minute fact-filled slide show on the real price of the occupation


Newark Teachers Union

New Jersey Citizen Action Oil Group

January 28, 2012

Hon. Joseph N. DiVincenzo, Jr.

Essex County Executive

Hall of Records, Room 405

465 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.

Newark, NJ, 07102

Re: OPRA Request

Request for Proposal #11-210

Dear Mr. DiVincenzo:

CWA Local 1081 submits this Open Public Records Act (OPRA) request to the County of Essex for our Union to be provided the following regarding the attached cancelled Request for Proposal #11-210, the subject of which was "To Provide Consultant Services to Develop an Action Plan Relative to Identified Issues for the Division of Welfare":

1. A copy of all documents, including emails, prepared by the Administration, and/or by others, that lead the Administration to initially issue the above cited RFP.

2. More specifically, a copy of all documents, including emails, provided the County by the State of New Jersey Department of Human Services, Division of Family Development (DFD) which purportedly "identified several systemic issues that require remediation and possible restructuring on the part of the Division of Welfare" as cited upon page #37 of the RFP. A copy, as well, of all of the County's memorialized initiations and responses to the DFD in this regard.

3. A copy of the resolution approved by the Essex County Board of Chosen Freeholders authorizing the Administration to initially post the RFP upon the County's web site as one of the County's "Business Opportunities".

Yours truly,

David H. Weiner, President, CWA Local 1081